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[AHA2009]Stefan Anker教授谈ARB在心衰治疗中的应用

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/11/25 16:53:00 关键字:HEAAL研究 心力衰竭 Stefan.Anker 

      International circulation:Do you think it perhaps adds to the value of ARBs in improving clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure? Well, I mean we’ve seen these results.


    Anker: It certainly makes it even more attractive to use ARBs in heart failure patients who are intolerant to ACE inhibitors. But also it emphasizes the message that for ARBs probably also for ACE inhibitors, a higher dose of the drug is better than lower dose of the drug. When we should always emphasize that we try to treat patients to the recommended target dose from the clinical trials.

    Anker教授:这当然会让血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制剂不耐受的患者使用ARBs更有吸引力。但它同时也强调了这样一个信息:对ARBs而言,或许对于ACE 抑制剂也是如此,高剂量的药物疗效要优于低剂量的药物。但我们应该始终强调我们应尽力将药物剂量控制在临床试验推荐的剂量范围内。

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