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[AHA2010]高血压患者心血管危险因素筛查评价——V. Papademetriou教授专访

作者:V.Papademetriou 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2010/11/17 15:18:01 关键字:高血压 V. Papademetriou 

  <International Circulation>: For the non-dippers, who do not dip their blood pressure during sleep, is that a physiological response or an emotional response?


  prof  Papademetriou: This is a physiological response. Everybody should be dipping their pressure during sleep. For example, a systolic pressure of 130mmHg should go down to 110 or 100mmHg during sleep. This is normal. If it is not happening then there is an intrinsic abnormality in the body associated with a higher risk of stroke and heart attacks.

        Papademetriou教授:是生理反应。任何人都应该有睡眠时的勺型血压。比如,清醒时收缩压是130mmHg,那么睡眠时就应降至110 或 100mmHg;如果不是这样,就说明机体存在内在的异常,这种异常与脑卒中和心脏病的危险性增加相关。

  <International Circulation>: For those patients who are mildly hypertensive, do you think PWV and/or ABI are obligatory examinations?


  prof  Papademetriou: I do not think so. They are very useful research tools but I don’t think we need to spend money on pulse wave velocity and other markers of disease because they do not add much to the way we treat the patient. They are very useful tools for research and enhance our understanding of the progression of disease but for treatment purposes they are not necessary.


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