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[AHA2011]抗栓治疗研究进展——Jeffrey Weitz 教授专访

作者:JeffreyWeitz 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/16 19:00:09 关键字:PTT  肝素 深静脉血栓  磺达肝素钠  导管血栓 

    <International Circulation>:  With pregnant women, they are at a significantly increased risk for VTE.  Are there any standard procedures in terms of preventative measures for VTE in pregnant women?
    Prof. Weitz: In general, although they are at increased risk, the risk is very low.  We encourage mobility as a primary measure and potentially thromboprophylaxis if the patient undergoes ceserean section, but generally there are no other preventative measures.   Obesity is another risk factor for VT.  Of course there will be some weight gain during pregnancy but if the woman starts off with a high amount of adiposity then that is an additional risk factor.  The more important thing is the patient who has a prior history of venous thromboembolism or has a known thrombophilic defect.  What do we do with those patients to prevent VTE?  Those patients would be at high risk and we would often give prophylaxis throughout pregnancy and for a period of time post-partum.
    <International Circulation>:  Regarding unprovoked VTE, yesterday in your talk you said that for provoked VTE you generally treat for about three months or until the risk factors go away.  For unprovoked VTE you generally treat for three months then re-evaluate, is that right?

    Prof. Weitz:  Most of those patients get extended treatment so many will be on long term anticoagulant therapy.  I don’t like to say life-long because we re-evaluate periodically and in some cases the therapy can cease.  Some experts will keep this type of patient on anticoagulants forever unless the risk of bleeding becomes too high to preclude that treatment. 
Weitz教授: 大多数患者延长治疗时间因此很多人会接受长期的抗凝治疗。我认为不应该终生抗凝治疗,因为我们会定期重新评估,某些患者可以停止抗凝治疗。一些专家将使此类患者坚持抗凝治疗直至出血的风险 很高以至于不能再耐受抗凝治疗。

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