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 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/16 19:22:40 关键字:TRACER研究  急性冠脉综合征 Robert A. Harrington 

    <International Circulation>: Which is better – the registry studies or the clinical trials?
    Prof.Harrington: We should not think of registries and clinical trials as competitive with each other, but rather as complementary. Each of them has its strengths in terms of what scientifically it has set out to do. The trial is the best method if one wants to compare a therapy against something else because it is only that process of randomization that allows us the ability to compare without confounding one thing against another. What registries are superb at is broadening the patient base and including the type of patient who might not have been included in the clinical study and they are very good at allowing us insights into practice patterns. Things like: how often do patients go to the cathlab; how often do they have bypass surgery. So the two entities, randomized trials and registries, should be thought about working together, not competing with one another.

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