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[AHA2011]循证医学与动脉粥样硬化的多元危险因素评估——Allan Sniderman教授专访

作者:AllanSniderman 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/16 19:22:40 关键字:循证医学 动脉粥样硬化 危险因素评估 Allan Sniderman 

     <International Circulation>:   To me the argument is seems right.  Perhaps we need a third person who could say why it didn’t appeal to them.

    Prof.Sniderman:  My bet is that everyone in the room, if their blood pressure was up would just treat it.  In my model everyone will act.  They will vote because there are expectations of the people who believe.  Evidence-based medicine is their framework of action and the message they have heard repeated for 20 years.  How could you hear something for 20 years and that not be the way things should be carried out.


    <International Circulation>:  Do you think we should not treat our blood pressure?

    Prof.Sniderman:  No, I think we should.  Their voting is no.  I don’t think that in real life they would behave that way.  Their voting is whatever others do in a social context.  It is very difficult for people to suddenly confront their convictions.  My presentation was 15 minutes of me saying something different from what that audience has heard for years.  I am not an authority figure.  I am a Canadian, a nobody who carries no weapon of authority or title.  


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