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[ACC2011]Timothy D. Henry谈难治性心绞痛的细胞疗法

作者:TimothyD.Henry 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/3/29 16:07:18 关键字:Timothy D. Henry 顽固性心绞痛 心力衰竭 细胞疗法 

    <International Circulation>: You mentioned in your session that a lot of these trials are quite small. Does a country like China with its large population base, allow you to make larger steps forward?


    Dr Henry: It is a tremendous opportunity. I think you see that both in India and in China, where there are very large populations where coronary disease is a major issue. The key is designing those trials in a sound scientific manner so you can answer questions. That’s critically important.


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