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[ACC2011]Timothy D. Henry谈难治性心绞痛的细胞疗法

作者:TimothyD.Henry 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/3/29 16:07:18 关键字:Timothy D. Henry 顽固性心绞痛 心力衰竭 细胞疗法 

    <International Circulation>:When stem cells are transplanted and developed into mature myocytes in vivo, what are the key factors involved?


    Dr Henry: One of the key things with cell therapy is people confuse what you are trying to do. For instance, people ask the question: Which cell is the best cell? That is like asking: Which antibiotic is the best antibiotic? One of the most important things is what are you trying to accomplish. With refractory angina, most of these patients have normal LV function so you don’t need new myocytes. What we are doing here is trying to improve blood vessels and blood supply by growing new blood vessels. This is distinctly different for refractory angina and for critical ischemia. What we need to do is promote angiogenesis. Now myogenesis, the growing of myocytes, is a much bigger and more challenging problem and related more specifically to heart failure.


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