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[AHA2014] 高血压的自主神经调节疗法及未来的关注方向 ——密歇根州立大学Gregory D Fink教授专访

作者:G.D.Fink 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2014/11/24 13:49:27 关键字:高血压 自主神经调节 肾脏去神经术 颈动脉压力激活疗法 肾素血管紧张素系统 

   <International Circulation> : Carotid Baroreflex Activation Therapy (BAT) as another technique, what about its mechanism and therapeutic effect?


  Dr. Fink: Baroreceptor activation therapy has now been studied in a large number of human patients with hypertension. It is a much more invasive procedure than renal denervation. Renal denervation can be done through a catheter in a fairly short period of time. Baroreceptor activation therapy requires implantation of electrodes around the carotid sinuses in the patient and then they wear a stimulator like a pacemaker, so it is a substantially more interventional sort of therapy. So far trials have run, to my knowledge, at least a year or two and it appears as if this approach to a lowering of sympathetic nervous system activity, that is the purpose of baroreceptor activation therapy is to lower sympathetic activity, it appears to produce a prolonged and sustained and significant lowering of blood pressure. It is not clear all the mechanisms that contribute to this, certainly sympathetic inhibition is a major mechanism, but however we do not know at this point whether all sympathetic nerves are equally affected. There are some people who believe that mainly you need to inhibit the renal sympathetic nerves and that would be adequate. Others feel other nerves need to be affected. I do not think with current technology it is likely that this would have the same impact in the treatment of hypertension as does renal denervation, simply because it is a more costly therapy and one that of course has a greater degree of intervention required.


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