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[AHA2014] 高血压的自主神经调节疗法及未来的关注方向 ——密歇根州立大学Gregory D Fink教授专访

作者:G.D.Fink 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2014/11/24 13:49:27 关键字:高血压 自主神经调节 肾脏去神经术 颈动脉压力激活疗法 肾素血管紧张素系统 

  <International Circulation> : What about the next best thing in hypertension?


  Dr. Fink: I have thought a great deal since I was asked to speak on that topic at this meeting and about what is the next big thing or the next best thing in hypertension research is going to be. After studying the history of hypertension research and the funding for hypertension research at least in the United States where emphasis has been, it appeared to me that a great deal of emphasis and effort and funding has been targeted to the renin angiotensin system. This is a system I have studied my whole life in research and so I think it is very important. There is no question that it is important as a regulator of blood pressure, but it seems as if we have in recent years become overfocused on the renin angiotensin system as a possible target. In thinking about what the next best thing in hypertension research would be, it seemed to me that a likely move would be somewhat away from the renin angiotensin system. We will continue to study it but I think we probably should give it somewhat less attention, and instead go back to the principal that was enunciated by one of the founding fathers of hypertension research, Irvine Page, who suggested that hypertension and blood pressure regulation in general is under the influence of very complex regulatory network that has to be assessed as a network and not individually. It just turns out that now we have the capabilities both in animals and in humans to get very very detailed physiological information 24 hours a day in living, breathing, human beings and animals. I mentioned the Digital Health Initiative where people now will be carrying with them or attached to their bodies, sensors that would be able to record their blood pressure, their respiratory rate, and their oxygen levels, their temperatures and many other things throughout the day. I think we will be able to use that high density of information to use big data approaches and new mathematical analysis to get a much better understanding of how network regulatory occurs. I do believe that that sort of approach is likely to lead us into very new understandings of what causes hypertension and ways of managing it within a clinical setting.

  Fink教授:因为被要求在本届大会上就未来高血压领域将有哪些利好消息进行专题演讲,所以我对这一问题进行了深刻思考。我对美国高血压研究的历史及对高血压研究的资助情况进行回顾后发现,高血压领域相关研究的重点及大部分精力及资助针对的是肾素血管紧张素系统。我对该系统进行了毕生研究,我认为该系统是非常重要的。毫无疑问,肾素血管紧张素系统是非常重要的血压调节器,但问题是近年来我们似乎对该系统作为治疗靶点的作用有些过于关注。就未来高血压领域的利好消息而言,我认为可能将出现在肾素血管紧张素之外的其他方面。鉴于高血压研究奠基人Irvine Page曾指出,高血压的发病及血压调节存在非常复杂的网络调控系统,故虽然我们还是应该继续对肾素血管紧张素系统进行研究,但我认为可以不像原来那样过度关注,而是应该针对血压调控网络进行更广泛和全面的研究。现在我们已有能力通过动物模型及人体研究详细了解动物及人类在日常生活及呼吸过程中24小时内血压变化情况的详细生理信息。在当今数字医疗时代,人们可以随身佩戴相应的动态监测仪让传感器记录其全天的血压、呼吸频率、氧含量、温度及其他很多指标。我认为,我们可以应用这些高密度的信息采用大数据方法和新的数学分析法来更好地了解血压网络调控系统是如何发挥作用的。我相信,应用上述方法最终可对高血压的致病原因及临床管理方法有新的了解。

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