Timothy D. Henry 美国明尼苏达大学
<International Circulation>: Earlier clinical trials have proven cellular therapy effective in treating refractory angina. What is the present clinical status of this technique?
Dr Henry: Currently we have Phase II trials that are positive. But before it can be approved by the FDA, we need a large Phase III trial that is appropriately powered to look both at events and needs to confirm the improvement in exercise time and reduction in angina. The problem now is in the United States. There are places around the world where people are using cell therapy for refractory angina already but I think it is best done through randomized trials. It is an issue that varies tremendously from country to country in terms of regulations. In the United States it will be not available until there has been a positive Phase III trial and it is approved by the FDA specifically for therapy. Obviously this is potentially important in a country such as China with so many people in need, but I think the key there is to do things in well-designed clinical trials so that you learn things. Not only do you find if it is safe and if it is effective but you can answer questions like: how much to give; how often to give; what is the best method of delivery, and so on. The beauty of this internationally is if we can co-ordinate the trials so that they are all done in a well-designed way so that, within a year from now, we would know the answers to some of these questions.
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