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[AHA2011]Michael Felker教授解析如何选择心血管疾病生物标志物

作者:MichaelFelker 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/21 16:31:00 关键字:生物标志物 BNP Michael Felker 

    <International Circulation>:  Is there any particular mistake that you think people are making in biomarkers whether it is a mistake in using a biomarker in a certain way or whether it is using certain biomarkers that are redundant for example?

     Prof. Felker:  I think a common mistake is expecting a biomarker to be the magical sorcerer’s stone that unlocks the key to the future. A biomarker is just a measurement. It is just additional information to be used in conjunction with what you already know from the patient history, physical examination, other tests that have been conducted, imaging and so on. There are all these domains of information that are coming into your decision making and biomarkers is just one of those which needs to be integrated with all these different factors into something that is going to help you decide what to do in a given situation. Sometimes, people will almost expect too much. Just because you BNP is high does not mean that you will need to follow this course of action; it tells you that you are at high risk, it tells you that you almost certainly have heart failure but it doesn’t tell you necessarily what to do.


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